Live Bracket:
Voting will be taking place on @hero0fwar’s account on instagram.
Results will be posted here.
Link to story where voting will take place
Going to be putting up 4 ‘battles’ a day
If anyone fills out a bracket and gets it 100% correct, I will buy you a $50 amazon gift card, because that would be flat out amazing. And if you miss just one.. I will buy you a $10 amazon gift card
If you do plan on submitting a bracket, here is one you can download to fill out. Please submit the filled out bracket on the thread linked below
Submit your bracket here:
Current Bracket

32: Tim Murphy
Results of Round 1 to Follow
Round 2 - Group 1

Round 2 - Group 2

Round 1 - Group 1 - Results

Charlie Kelly wins against Tim Murphy
The Waiter wins against Maureen Ponderosa
Artemis wins against Carmen
Z wins against Bonnie Kelly
Round 1 - Group 2 - Results

Dee Reynolds wins against Da Maniac
Luther wins over Schmitty
Frank Reynolds destroyed Lil Kev
Uncle Jack wins over Rex
Round 1 - Group 3 - Results

Dennis Reynolds destroys Fatty Magoo
Ryan McPoyle wins over Ben the Soldier
Cricket takes down Jackie Denardo
And Macs Mom defeats Bruce Mathis
Round 1 - Group 4 - Results